The JML Scholars Forum

Makes Education Affordable & Equitable

The JML Scholars Forum defrays costs and keeps tuition affordable through scholarships for students pursuing academic and vocational studies. One-on-one high school mentorship and college success enrichment programs are offered within various professions and trades to foster career development skills beyond the classroom. Students can participate in resume development, interviewing processes, and other activities geared toward preparing them for the professional job market and increased networking opportunities.

Fellows -

This elite group brings a body of work and professional achievements relative to African American heritage and culture.

Interns -

The African American Heritage Association of Virginia commits to student learning in all phases of its services. Through supervised learning, high school seniors and undergraduate students gain a unique perspective on culture, health, education, and wealth within the African American community, past to present. Additionally, staff and volunteers provide knowledge critical to understanding the full spectrum of African American heritage and culture.

Scholars -

Our Scholars program offers graduate students pursuing studies and scholarly research in African American heritage and culture an opportunity to access foremost authorities within our network of experts. In addition, virtual content from our magazine and journal, and links to other sources, enable students to access information conveniently at any time.

Study Abroad -

AAHA offers a study abroad program for qualified applicants who desire to attend a college or university in a foreign country.

Scholarships -

Awards are funded through revenues from our scholarly publications, symposiums, and theoretical and applied research grants to advance the community's cultural, public safety, education, health, social, and economic well-being.

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